Franklin Evening Star - 25 April 1952
Maj. Gen. Paxton New Commander Of Camp Atterbury

Maj. Gen. Alexander U. Paxton, commanding general of the 31st Division, was named post commander of Camp Atterbury today.  He succeeds Maj. Gen. Paul! W Kendall who is leaving for a new assignment in the Far East.

Maj. Gen. Ira P. Swift, commanding general of the 25th Infantry Division in Korea, will assume command of the VI Corps at Camp Atterbury in July.

General Paxton was born in Vicks Miss., on Oct. 4, 18'96, the son of A. G. and Annie (Buie) Paxton.  His early education was received in Greenville. Miss.
lie received his B. A. degree from Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., in 1917.
Gen. Paxton was commissioned a First Lieutenant in the Field Artillery at the Second Officer's Camp. Leon Springs. Tex., in November, 1917. Following his commission he served with field artillery unit at Camp Jackson. S. C., until Aug. 15, 1918, when he left for overseas.

Served In France

He commanded Battery B, 8th Field Artillery in France until May 2. 1919, when he returned to the United States to be discharged, with the rank of Captain, from Camp Pike. Ark.  The 31st Division Commander was named Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion, 178th Field Artillery Regiment of the Mississippi National Guard on May 20, 1926, as a major.

As a lieutenant colonel in command of the 114th Field Artillery Regiment he was ordered to active duty from April to June 1927, during the Mississippi River flood of that year. He was cited by Hanford Macnider, Assist. Secretary of War, and awarded the Mississippi Magnolia Medal for his outstanding action during the flood.
Gen. Paxton, as a Colonel, was still in command of the 114th when the 31st Infantry Division was called into Federal service in November 1940.

Is Promoted

On July 20, 1952, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General and transferred to the 33rd Infantry division as commander of the division artillery.  He served in this assignment at Camp Forrest, Tenn.; Ft. Lewis, Wash.; Desert Training Center. Calif.; Kauia, Hawaiian Islands, h, .N Guinea; Morotai, Netherlands East
Indies; and Luzon. Philippines.

Upon his return to the United States late in 1915, he reverted to inactive status.
On Dec. 2, 1946,, he was appointed Brigadier General of the Mississippi National Guard and assigned as assistant commander of the 31st Infantry Division.

Gen. Paxton was named Commanding General of the 31st on July 27, 1948, and promoted to the rank of Major General. he was in command of the division when it was ordered back to active duty at Ft. Jackson, S. C., on Jan. 16, 1951.

Awarded Medals

Gen. Paxton was awarded the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Air Medal, American Defense Medal with star, Asiatic-Pacific (theater Medal with three battle stars, Philippines Liberation Medal with three stars, American Theater Ribbon and the Victory Ribbon during World War II.

In civilian life, he heads the A. G. Paxton Company, a domestic export cotton shipping business at Greenville, Miss.  He was married to the former Ruth Chapman of Indianola. Miss.. in February of 1923. They have two children, Robert Gallatin and Mary Burton Paxton.

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